Hi Joris!

Ouch, I missed this e-mail last july. I hope that a late answer is
better than none ...

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 05:56:22AM -0700, jvkersch wrote:
> Let me answer you both in one post, since I think your solutions might
> be related.  I agree with Simon that this is the offending line:
>    tester.assert_(isinstance(self,
> self.parent().category().element_class))
> Now, by adding the line
>   Element = DifferentialForm
> to my parent class as Florent suggested, I tried to make it so that
> element_class refers to DifferentialForm.  However, the assert still
> fails.  Is there an example of a minimal code using the categories
> framework that I could adapt?

See the files in sage.categories.examples. You can also access them
through, e.g.:

    sage: S = Semigroups().example()
    sage: S??

> I tried to find out where the problem might be by trying a standard
> type of element, but these problems persist:
>     sage: u = polygen(QQ)
>     sage: isinstance(u, u.parent().category().element_class)
>     False
> In the meantime, I see that SteenrodAlgebra has also this problem....
> Any ideas?

I would need to run your code to be more specific. Feel free to send
it to me if this is still relevant.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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