Hi all,

This is to advertise a patch (http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/
ticket/10289) which, unfortunately, is sleeping in Trac without a
reviewer for more than four months.

This patch would be very useful for those who converted from Magma.
Please review!

Extra Readline Commands

The following three extra readline commands are installed:

    - ``operate-and-get-next``
    - ``history-search-backward-and-save``
    - ``history-search-forward-and-save``

The ``operate-and-get-next`` command accepts the input line and
fetches the next line
from the history. This is the same command with the same name in the
Bash shell.

The ``history-search-backward-and-save`` command searches backward in
the history
for the string of characters from the start of the input line to the
current cursor
position, and fetches the line found. The position of the fetched
history line is
saved internally. If the cursor is at the start of the line, the
previous line
in the history from the saved position is fetched.

The ``history-search-forward-and-save`` command does the same with the
previous command
but forward. Hence this command is useful to fetch a block of lines
from the history by
first searching the first line of the block and then issuing this
command as many times
as needed.

The previous two commands is best used in tandem. They are intended to
replace the
``history-search-backward`` command and the ``history-search-forward``
command provided by
the GNU readline library used in Sage.

To bind these commands with keys, insert the relevant lines into the
file in the Sage root directory. For example,


    readline_parse_and_bind "\C-o": operate-and-get-next
    readline_parse_and_bind "\e[A": history-search-backward-and-save
    readline_parse_and_bind "\e[B": history-search-forward-and-save

binds the three commands with the control-o key, the up arrow key, and
the down arrow key,

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