A more accurate follow-up to my hurried post of a few hours ago.
Timings on the same machine for a more truthful speed comparison, now
in reality "just" a 150x speed-up due to Cython.

Triple-braces delimit compute cells in the notebook.  Notice that the
"%cython" block automatically produces the C output and an HTML file
of the source, where you can click on individual lines to see the per-
line conversion to C, with less-efficient conversions highlighted in

Hopefully an approach with very fast code like this for internal
computations, plus fast conversions to Sage types at the user-level
might make for a good combination.  Developing with the Sage types
until you get it right, and then optimizing replacements with Cython
code is a good strategy as well.

I'm sure others with more experience will have more knowledgeable
opinions or solutions.  It'll be great to see some matroid theory
available in Sage - thanks for your work on this.


def intersect_python():
    t = 0
    for s1 in range(0,2**9):
        for s2 in range(0,2**9):
            if s1 & s2:
                t += 1
    return t

timeit("intersect_python()", number=100)

100 loops, best of 3: 31.5 ms per loop

def intersect_cython():
    cdef Py_ssize_t t, s1, s2
    t = 0
    for s1 in range(0,2**9):
        for s2 in range(0,2**9):
            if s1 & s2:
                t += 1
    return t

timeit("intersect_cython()", number=10000)

10000 loops, best of 3: 205 µs per loop

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