On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:24 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> I think it is worth revisiting this design decision.     I did a
> little poking, and in Python and Cython, a class by default has a
> hash, which is the location in memory of the object, e.g.,

Only so long as the class doesn't define __eq__ or __cmp__. That makes
sense, because the default equality comparision in python is that two
objects are equal if and only if they are the same instance. Thus, the
basic assumption on hashes is not broken (equal objects should have
the same hash). If a class defines a comparision, the default hash is
to raise an exception

> So the main issue I pointed out above, namely that SageObject has a
> __hash__ defined, is really a non-issue, since that's the standard
> default convention in Python anyways.

No, the basic assumptions about hashes in Python are:

1. the hash of an object never changes
2. two objects that compare equal should have the same hash

bad things happen if either assumption is broken (a third assumption
would be that hash collisions are uncommon, but that only affects
performance, not semantics).

So, as you suggested in the OP, the right thing is to have the
__hash__ method removed from the SageObject class, and define it for
subclasses as needed (and only for immutable classes!)

Note that the class Element (sage.structure.element.Element) also has
a similar default definition for __hash__.


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