Hi Johan,

Thank you for you brief overview.

> I am involved in the JModelica/Assimulo effort, and I have also used
> CasADi in collaboration with the Leuven team, so I thought I offer my
> five cents.

I actually emailed Christian Andersson asking for "blessing" before I
move forward.
I also contacted yesterday Joel Andersson here in Leuven.

> I think that both JModelica/Assimulo and CasADi would be valuable
> additions to Sage, since they address different problems, even though
> there is some overlapping functionality. Also, there is ongoing work
> to integrate JModelica.org and CasADi.

I agree, but first I was thinking simpler and aiming at the ODE/DAE
solvers only. :)
Sage (and SciPy by the way) are in need of a straightforward interface
to solvers like SUNDIALS and Radau.

I understand that offering the whole pack JModelica/Assimulo/CasADi
would imediatelly give rise to a simulator/optimization for a more
engineering-like and applied math environment reachable via Sage. This
would become attractive also for people doing any sort of Simulink or
VHDL-AMS modeling (which I did some time ago).

As long as we can smoothly integrate the above environment with the
symbolic capabilities of Sage I think it is very good thing to have.
My aim is to have the ability to manipulate any sort of equation and
hand it down to a solver. Pretty much as you do with other math
If now I can lump this equations into a module (say Modelica) connect
further other modules and arbitrarily drop them into a system
simulator/optimizer, that would be really good.
What do you think?

That would be equally good for the more math or engineering oriented
people out there.

I am looking on how to put some of this on Sage, hoping to get further
inputs from the experienced people there.


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