On 10 June 2011 13:59, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 10 June 2011 10:36, Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 09:27:47 +0100
>> Martin Albrecht <martinralbre...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm wondering whether we should do a Sage-FLINT days thingy/coding
>>> sprint (either somewhere in the big blue room or online) to make use
>>> of all the cool new features in FLINT 2.x?
>>> Or should we wait until everything from 1.5 are in 2.x?
>> We could do it gradually if it was possible to install the two side by
>> side. Since the API changed drastically and 2.x will not provide all
>> the bells and whistles of 1.x in the near future (by fast-paced full
>> of impatience Sage measures), this makes perfect sense.
>> Could anybody modify the build system so we can use both of these
>> together?
> Do you mean the build system of flint or of Sage? If the former then I
> think the only thing I can think of is to rename libflint.so to
> libflint2.so. This is easy to do of course. Simply change the relevant
> line in Makefile.in and reconfigure.
> I believe the only name clashes should be between fmpz and fmpz_poly
> between the two flints. One library order should give you flint 1.5
> fmpz access, the other library order should give the other fmpz.
> Note that in order to get all the features of flint 1.5 into flint2 we
> need the new FFT which I started writing nearly 1.5 years ago. This
> will be going into MPIR, the next release for which is scheduled in
> early September. How is Sage doing with keeping up with the MPIR
> releases? I haven't been keeping track lately. flint2 needs a  pretty
> recent release of MPIR and similarly for mpfr.
> I assume Sage did not upgrade to flint 1.6. This is a good thing as it
> will be a very long time before we are able to cover factorisation of
> polynomials over the integers in flint2. It'll be worth waiting for
> though.

Of course all the new fmpq_poly and fmpz_poly_mat stuff relies on the
new fmpz_poly stuff and fmpz_mat on fmpz and fmpq on fmpz, and
fmpq_mat on fmpq, and arith on fmpz etc. So you may have disable some
(most) modules in flint2 until you are using the new fmpz and
fmpz_poly. This can be done by removing the names of the modules that
you want to disable from the last line of Makefile.in. At the moment
fmpz_poly relies only on fmpz, fmpz_vec, nmod_vec, nmod_poly and
ulong_extras. The test code may also rely on long_extras as well. So
this is probably a good set of initial modules to enable in flint2,
with the only conflicts with flint1.5 being in the fmpz and fmpz_poly


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