
I had first asked the following question on sage-combinat-devel, but
there was no reply, and so sorry for bothering you here...

It concerns two cached methods of categories, namely
C.all_super_categories() and C.super_categories(proper=False).

The former does not take any argument (except self); thus, one could
easily replace it by a lazy attribute. The latter takes an argument
which can be true or false; thus, one could easily replace it by two
lazy attributes, say, C.super_categories and

The question is: Shall we do such replacements?

I vote "yes!", because a lazy attribute will always be faster than a
cached method. Cached methods will hopefully soon be improved by
#11115, but calling a cached method will still have an overhead
compared with a simple attribute lookup.

However, I have heard that methods are considered more pythonic than
attributes. That's why I ask what you think about that topic. My
counter-argument is: IMHO, currently both C.super_categories() and
C.all_super_categories() are mainly for internal use - and I think
that it is perfectly pythonic to internally work with attributes.

The motivation of my question is #11943, where I accomplish a mission
formulated by Nicolas: C.all_super_categories() should be ordered in
the same way as C.parent_class.mro(). It turns out that #11943 would
yield a mild speed regression when keeping super_categories and
all_super_categories as (cached) methods, but yields a speed-up when
replacing them by lazy attributes.

Best regards,

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