The MIME registration is a bit screwed up in this respect.  "tar"
might be OK as a document format (though I believe no one has
registered a MIME type for it), but bzip2 is more of what they think
of as a "content-transfer-encoding".  I've argued in the past to the
IETF that they should define additional content-transfer-encodings for
gzip and zip and bzip2, but they haven't, because it doesn't really
come up in the email application domain.

I'd suggest registering a real MIME type for it, something like
"application/vnd.sagemath-spkg".  That would allow servers and
browsers to agree on what they're passing around.  It would also
handle the case where it's maybe bzip2 one time and maybe tar the next

Same for .sws, if that isn't already registered.


On Nov 18, 12:12 am, Jeroen Demeyer <> wrote:
> On 2011-11-17 22:33, Bill Janssen wrote:
> > Is there a MIME type for .spkg files?
> I guess not, but spkg files are simply bzip2'ed tar files, so if there
> is a MIME type for that, you should probably use that.

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