> What do you have in mind?  I have some ideas for more advanced editing,
> but the technology and tools are catching up at this point (i.e., we
> could do it, but outside projects are approaching the right
> capabilities, so I'd rather use actively-maintained outside projects).

Hi Jason,

I was thinking in the line of the OP, some mixture of  advanced Text
Input / Formating with Mathematics.
I might know to little about the current capabilities of the notebook
in that respect, but I think the only possibility is to either write
Text (or Html, or Latex) in the cell or change to the "Edit" View and
insert Text/Html between Cells in a kind of Source View. So it would
be cool to click between cells and have the option to insert either a
new calculation cell or just some formatted text, or pictures/graphs,
typesetted formulas or even animations or videos so the notebook
worksheet is a potential multimedia document.

Thinking further, there could be even some stylesheets in the
background, so it would be possible to generate typesetted pdfs
directly from the notebook, or readymade html for an internet page.

Slightly better access to the notebook controls would also be nice -
if you have a long worksheet you have to scroll back to top to change
the celltype (and then back to bottom). Of course there might be some
advanced editing already in place which I am not aware of, but in that
case it is not visibly exposed to the user.

I think - like you - that there is existing editing code out there, so
one would not have to reinvent the wheel. Maybe it is even possible to
define some interface and different plugins (html, latex) could be
used for different purposes or tastes. So this are just my 5 Cents. I
know that this will need people to make it happen, but I think it
could be cool if it would develop in that direction.


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