On Wednesday 21 Mar 2012, William Stein wrote:
> Hi Proud Sage Developers,
> At the current Sage workshop some people (me, David Roe, Jen
> Balakrishnan, etc.) have made a stopgap function and identified Trac
> tickets describing "Bugs silently producing wrong answers".  So far
> they listed 7 of them: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/report/79
> Do *you* know of such a bug in Sage that has not been classified as
> such?   Several of the ones listed below have been *known* for over 3
> years.
> * Trac 12718:
> Somebody just pointed out this *doooozie* to me at ICERM [2] a few minutes
> ago
> sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
> sage: n=1000; f = x^n; f.subs(x = x^n)
> x^1000000
> sage: n=100000; f = x^n; f.subs(x = x^n)
> x^1410065408*y^2

This is not a Singular bug but a bug in code wrote, I have a fix almost ready.
However, I ran into this Singular bug when looking at 


> ring r = 3,(T,z),dp;
> poly f = z^3 + T*z;
> f^(3^15);
Segmentation fault

It doesn't seem to be a simple "catch the overflow" bug. Any ideas?


name: Martin Albrecht
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