> How much are these functions used in the Sage library?

Not counting definitions, imports, or doctests, "is_[A-Z]" matches 807
times in the source.  So I would definitely be writing a script to
remove whatever we decide to remove, and then make sure it builds and
tests, and read through the diff to make sure the script didn't do
anything unexpected.


On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 11:05 AM, David Roe <r...@math.harvard.edu> wrote:
> How much are these functions used in the Sage library?  I would be
> supportive of removing them all if possible....
> David
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 18:29, Starx <jst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This discussion stems from:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/979bdce4e002cd05/e8061b2ff21a4cdf?lnk=gst&q=is_AlgebraElement#e8061b2ff21a4cdf
>> I decided it deserves it's own thread.
>> The is_functions (is_Integer, is_AlgebraElement, ect) are depreciated
>> and have been for 4 years now.  I think it's time some of them got
>> deleted, but I'm not sure all of them should go.
>> There are 260 functions defined in Sage of the form def is_Name(x)
>> where Name starts with a capitol letter (I didn't count the cdef
>> functions so there might actually be more).  Of those 110 of them
>> simply return isinstance(x, Name) and I think those 110 can definitely
>> be deleted in favor of users using isinstance(x, Name).  Deleting
>> them, replacing all their calls with calls to isinstance, and all
>> their imports with imports of Name is not something I'd like to do by
>> hand, so I'm working on a little script.
>> As for the other 150, some of them do the following:
>> def is_Name(x)
>>   return isinstance(x, Name_something)
>> I didn't check but I suspect that there is a factory called Name which
>> is why the _whatever is there.  Another example of this issue is that
>> is_Cone(x) returns isinstance(x, ConvexRationalPolyhedralCone) and the
>> function Cone constructs ConvexRationalPolyhedraCones.  I'm undecided
>> on whether we should remove these is_functions as well.  Is the user
>> expected to know that the factory is just a factory? and look through
>> the source code to figure out what the class name is?
>> Finally there are some is_functions that return something slightly
>> more complicated then a single isinstance, for example
>> def is_PrimeFiniteField(x):
>>   some imports
>>   return isinstance(x, FiniteField_prime_modn) or \
>>          (isinstance(x, FiniteField_generic) and x.degree() == 1)
>> I would probably just leave these alone but I think others who've been
>> at this longer might have a better idea of what the best course of
>> action is.  It seems to me that after 4 years they should either go or
>> they shouldn't be depreciated.
>> -Jim
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