On Monday, April 2, 2012 12:15:28 AM UTC+2, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On 03/31/12 10:01 PM, William Stein wrote:
> > That
> > seems surprisingly slow, given:
> Perhaps the server was under a lot of load at the time. I just tried the 
> same 
> and got an almost instant answer.
You're right, every now and then the server gets stuck with some "nasty" 
calculations. I probably shouldn't say this out loud, but the security 
model of Mathics isn't very evolved yet, so a troublesome query might lead 
to endless CPU and even memory usage. There are some checks, but there's 
still work to do.

> Timing[Integrate[Sin[x]*Cos[x+1],x]]
> gave the time as 0.52 seconds.
> That said, 0.52 seconds is almost 100x slower than Mathematica running on 
> my Sun.
> In[2]:= Timing[Integrate[Sin[x]*Cos[x+1],x]]
>                     -Cos[1 + 2 x]   x Sin[1]
> Out[2]= {0.004724, ------------- - --------}
>                           4            2
> The output from MathICS is also in a more complicated form (more terms) 
> than the 
> output from Mathematica.
Integration is one of the functions where Sage can already be used as a 
back-end instead of SymPy: SageIntegrate[Sin[x]*Cos[x+1],x] runs faster and 
gives a more compact result.

I'm still thinking about a better way to choose Sage for integration (etc). 
One would be to introduce a Sage "package" that overrides all corresponding 
SymPy-enabled functions; this would require the implementation of 
Mathematica-like packages first, of course. Another way would be to have an 
for Integrate, for instance, which is probably still more Mathematica-like 
than a totally different function (symbol) SageIntegrate.

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