On Tuesday, 17 July 2012 02:37:19 UTC+8, Ivan Andrus wrote:
> On Jul 16, 2012, at 8:13 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Tuesday, 17 July 2012 01:42:54 UTC+8, Ivan Andrus wrote:
>> On Jul 16, 2012, at 3:16 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> On Monday, 16 July 2012 12:06:10 UTC+8, Kwankyu Lee wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This ticket is long abandoned at Trac without a reviewer.
>>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12503
>>> The feature that the patch provides is indispensable to me when I use 
>>> command line interface of Sage. I think it is also very useful to you. 
>>> Would you be a reviewer of the ticket?
>> comments there seem to indicate it's a duplicate of already closed 
>> #10289<http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/10289>
>> . 
>> Only by going to the latter one sees that it was a duplicate... :–)
>> By the way, is there a sorely missed by me feature of getting the next 
>> command in the history?
>> I.e. I often do something like this:
>> sage: A...
>> sage: B...
>> sage: C...
>> oops, wrong answer; editing code...
>> sage: A...
>> sage: B...
>> sage: C...
>> oops, wrong answer; editing code...
>> sage: A...
>> sage: B...
>> sage: C...
>> Good!
>> So I can navigate history to A, but once I am there and executed it, I 
>> want a quick way to go to B.
>> But it's not available...
>> That's the whole point of this patch, unless I'm misunderstanding what 
>> you want.  Here's the workflow (after having bound keys appropriately).  
>> 1. Navigate your history to A
>> 2. Type C-o (or whatever) and it will 
>>   a. execute A 
>>   b. take you to B automatically.  
>> Is this what you wanted?
> More or less.
> Specifically, I want the same behaviour as in GAP. In GAP one can go to A 
> using (say) arrows keys. Then, after executing A, you get GAP prompt, just 
> as if you execute the "normal" command. But if you then hit arrow-down 
> (i.e. "next command" in history) you'll get to B.
> In Sage executing A brings you to the bottom of the history (which I 
> weird, IMHO).
> So execute normally but remember where you were in the history if you 
> press down.  I've always found that a bit weird since if you press up you 
> _lose_ your place.  But I grew up in a bash shell before a GAP shell. :-) 

I started using GAP and Unix at the same time, in 1993, I think.
Thanks goodness I seldom had a need to debug Unix shell code interactively 


>  I'm sure such a thing would be easy by adding another function on top of 
> this patch.  
> FWIW, I think this should go in soon and have another patch to get the GAP 
> behavior, since this has been languishing for quite a while. There should 
> also be a section that basically says, do XYZ to get GAP behavior and WXY 
> to get Magma behavior, etc.
my point is that it should be customizable. One wants bash (resp. GAP, 
resp. Magma) behavior, (s)he can get it. 


> -Ivan

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