On 7/24/12 2:57 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:

I'd like to propose a Sage project for all groups interested.  The
project is a version of Sage Math for Nintendo DS hardware.  Sage's
being open-source software means the project may only be developed as a
rom.  The hardware is more than capable for sage, and more suited for
visualization of mathematics than any hardware I know of.  The hardware
consists of two screens, a touch screen with a stylus and a larger
screen above it, and buttons for commands.  In the way I am imagining
the software working, a user would use a stylus to write whatever
mathematics is of interest on the touchscreen and receive a visual
output on the screen above it.  The hardware is wonderfully portable,
which is partly why it appeals to me, as I think of various mathematical
forms when out of doors walking and etc.  I doubt I am
characteristically alone in this respect.  I understand sage is used for
more than visualization of mathematics, yet materially speaking a GUI is
what sage offers that a thinking person does not already have.  In other
words, visualization of mathematics is a most significant component
because all utilization of sage requires a visualization of math, a GUI.
Now, please understand I am very unfamiliar with code and programming.
I feel my having significant presence with this project may not support
an honest endeavour for quality.  That said, my reasons for posting are
to share a proposal with a group who may be interested and to share a
willingness to help in whatever fashion does support a quality project
as this one.

That does sound interesting.  If these are the specs:


then I think a first step would be to get Python running on the system. If you had that, then you'd hopefully have sympy, which would already give you some mathematics capabilities. It looks like someone has already done something with python: https://www.develer.com/trac/dspython/

Please post updates! I can't help more tangibly, but it would be really fun to hear of progress.



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