> Thanks for the pointer to that ticket, which explains the change in the the
> "is_unit()" behavior.
> Why should the inverse of "four" succeed when the result is not in K?
> sage: four^-1 in K
> False

The order K is analogous to the ring of integers inside QQ.  So even
though the inverse of four exists in the number field, it's not in the
order and thus four is not a unit.  See

> On #12242 (a follow-on to the ticket above), David Loeffler argues that the
> following is the wrong behavior, and that the last command should raise an
> error.
> sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^2 - x - 1); OK = K.ring_of_integers()
> sage: OK(12).divides(OK(13))
> True
> sage: OK(12) // OK(13)
> 12/13

Again, it's a question of where the arithmetic is taking place.  The
issue is that 12/13, while an element of K, is not in OK.

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