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On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Pablo De Napoli <pden...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm teaching a probability course right now, and using Sage for doing
> some graphics
> for my class notes.
> I've found that GSL implements a lot of probability distributions that
> are not wrapped by Sage.
> The problem was reported at
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11572
> and a patch is proposed to implement the missing distributions.
> I agree with some of the comments there about the wrong design of the
> interface of the class RealDistribution (it is of little help to users
> to split things into two different classes for continious and discrete
> distributions).
> Also the name "RealDistribution" is somwhat strange, hard to find and 
> remember.
> Something like ProbabilityDistribution would be more natural.
> Also I think that something like
> ProbabilityDistribution.uniform([a,b])
> would be more natural than
> T = RealDistribution('uniform', [a, b])
> And with the method sintax, you would be able to use auto-completion
> [TAB key] and avoid the
> need to remember the names [and the spelling mistakes]
> But I think that the functionallity in this ticket is very useful, and
> should be added soon!
> regards
> Pablo

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