On Friday, 19 October 2012 20:35:07 UTC+8, jason wrote:
> On 10/19/12 7:25 AM, Dima Pasechnik wrote: 
> > While some ARPACK functionality is available in Sage from scipy (more is 
> > implemented in scipy 0.11, than in currently available in Sage scipy 
> > 0.9, but this is taken care of  in #13541, which I'm reviewing 
> presently), 
> > the functionality allowing to implement matrices as callback functions 
> > (sometimes a big win in memory/speed) seems to be missing. 
> > 
> > Any idea how can this be handled? 
> > 
> Do you mean a sparse matrix class where A[i,j] actually calls some 
> function that you supply?


>  I'd make a subclass of sparse matrices (or 
> maybe even dense matrices??), and just override the unsafe indexing 
> method.  I think all indexing ends up going through that function.

well, it does not look that obvious (it's sparse scipy/numpy matrices: 
http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/sparse.html) and they have 
several member functions, such as __getitem__, _get_row_slice, etc...

Hmm, I actually thought they are way more optimized, than what I saw in 

Thanks a lot anyway,


> Thanks, 
> Jason 

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