I was very surprised that the map was right for me, in that there is a blob 
in my location.  Of course, it is for someone else, who is not actually 
there.  Golam Hossain is now at the Indian Institute of Science Education 
and Research (IISER) - Kolkata, India.  I am where he was (Department of 
Mathematics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 



On Monday, October 22, 2012 8:24:09 AM UTC-7, fhivert wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 01:51:42PM +0200, Nathann Cohen wrote: 
> > Hellooooooooo Everybody ! 
> > 
> > I was made to notice several minutes ago that while my earthly body had 
> > been wandering around Paris for some time already, my soul of Sage 
> > developper soul was still enjoying the warm sun of southern France. 
> > 
> > Though I am still convinced that it was the soul that was right, Harald 
> > thought differently and moved it to my new lab, as it now appears on the 
> > following page : 
> > 
> > http://www.sagemath.org/development-map.html 
> > 
> > I know for a fact that Nicolas Thiery's and Florent Hivert's locations 
> are 
> > wrong too, for we work in the same team and our offices are 10 meters 
> away 
> > from each other. Hence, I send this email for the following reason ==> 
> > Could it be that your location on this map is wrong, or that you do not 
> > appear there yet ? If so, please say it here, and say it loudly ! 
> My location is definitely wrong since September 2011. Harald: if you are 
> indeed the map-master, could you please update my location, 12 meters away 
> from Nathann and update also Nicolas 22 meters away. We are all at 
> Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (UMR CNRS 8623) 
> B�timent 650, Universit� Paris Sud 11, 91405 ORSAY CEDEX, FRANCE. 
> Thank you for the update and sorry for the noise on Sage-devel, but this 
> is 
> Nathann's fault ;-) 
> Cheers, 
> Florent 

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