Thanks, i have done some examples of what i need for my goal (to
compute puiseux expansions of polynomials whose coefficients may be
algebraic numbers) and magma is still too slow. The problem is finding
the roots of a polynomial with algebraic coefficients... and i need
that a lot.

So i guess it is basically hopeless.

On 25 oct, 04:59, Nils Bruin <> wrote:
> On Oct 24, 8:58 am, mmarco <> wrote:> How fast is Magma for 
> this?
> Pretty snappy on small examples. Of course it'll get slow on bigger
> ones. You can try yourself using their online version (at least as
> long as you try examples that take less than 2 seconds total).
> Example script:
> Qbar:=AlgebraicClosure();
> R<x,y>:=PolynomialRing(Qbar,2);
> I:=ideal<R|x^2+y^2-7,x^2-y^2+2>;
> t0:=Cputime();
> PrimaryDecomposition(I);
> print "Elapsed time:",Cputime()-t0;

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