Something  like the information provided at
would be nice to have for an mathematical object in general. A good
start would be the blog post at from William,
explaining the coercion model:
I think it is the wrong way, that somebody who wants to start coding for
sage  must have to look at the source code to get a to learn something
about the design and structure of sage.


On 04.12.2012 05:18, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On 12/03/2012 04:45 PM, William Stein wrote:
>> Yes, it was kind of frustrating.  Basically, David advertised it a
>> lot, but at the end of the day, basically few people were available to
>> come to a Sage Days on improving the documentation, even with all
>> expenses paid...
>> If anybody reading this has any experience with how to dramatically
>> improve reference documentation of a big open source software project,
>> please share.     One difficulty with Sage is that there is probably
>> no human alive who can really understand all of what Sage does, due to
>> how many areas of advanced mathematics Sage touches, so whatever we do
>> simply can't be a one-person project.      In this regard, the scope
>> of Magma is actually much smaller than that of Sage, since, e.g.,
>> Magma includes nothing in symbolic calculus and almost nothing in
>> numerical analysis, which are two massive areas.
>> Somebody asserted above that the Sage reference manual is supposed to
>> cover "all the functionality of Sage".  However, this is not what it
>> does, and I'm not sure it should.  The reference manual covers most of
>> the functionality of the core Sage library, which -- depending on your
>> perspective -- may or may not be a big part of what Sage does (for
>> you).  For example, an undergrad recently asked me how to find out
>> about what Sage can do in signal processing, and I definitely didn't
>> suggest that he read the Sage reference manual; instead, I suggested
>> the scipy website.   Another example: Cython is a big part of Sage,
>> but it isn't documented in the reference manual.
> The existing thematic tutorials sort-of address this problem:
> but there are far too few of them. I would suggest creating a magma-like
> hierarchy of thematic tutorials, one for each branch that Sage supports.
> The tutorials could link to individual pages of the reference manual,
> and should go through most common tasks that people might want to do. It
> should also have brief translations for users of other CAS software. See
> Rosetta Code <> for an example of this done well.

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