
I am grateful to have been selected as one of the Google Summer of Code 
students for this summer. I will be working on a benchmark framework for 
testing functions over different domains, making symbolic the special 
functions that are not yet, and implementing generalized hypergeometric 
functions. Here are some more details from my application:

1. Symbolic wrappers
> A pending patch, ticket 
> #4102<http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4102>, 
> will make the Bessel functions symbolic. I will similarly update the rest 
> of the special functions. This will involve defining methods for evaluation 
> and wrapping third-party libraries for handling simplification, 
> integration, etc.

>From the open-source software listed at the 
> Sage ships with Cephes (although it is not used for anything at the 
> moment), GSL, MPFR, Maxima, PARI/GP, SLATEC (through Maxima), and mpmath. 
> All these except Cephes and SLATEC have existing interfaces, facilitating 
> the wrapping of functionality.
> The Bessel functions will be made symbolic by #4102, and the Airy 
> functions by the pending 
> #12455<http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12455>. 
> hypergeometric_U, spherical_bessel_J, spherical_bessel_Y, 
> spherical_hankel1, spherical_hankel2, spherical_harmonic, elliptic_J, 
> jacobi, inverse_jacobi, elliptic_e, elliptic_ec, elliptic_eu, elliptic_f, 
> elliptic_kc, and elliptic_pi remain to be done.

2. Benchmark framework
> The benchmark framework is important for determining which backend is 
> appropriate for numeric evaluation of functions on different domains. Due 
> to implementation details, different algorithms will be suited to different 
> regions of the function's domain; for example, hypergeometric_U(-4, 10, 
> 100) is faster with PARI, but hypergeometric_U(-40, -40, 10) is faster 
> with SciPy. Picking the domains will require looking at the algorithm 
> implementation. A benchmark framework will allow Sage to more intelligently 
> decide between the backends depending on input, and also to detect and 
> track regressions. A sufficiently versatile implementation could also be 
> extended to other types of functions in the future.

I would begin by building on the benchmark system in tests/benchmark.py. I 
> would create a subclass of Benchmark designed for numerical functions; it 
> would accept arguments of domains on which to test functions, and generate 
> random test values using the underlying rings' random_element method. For 
> example, benchmark_function(gamma, domains=[[1, 10], [50, 60]], ring=ZZ, 
> systems=['maxima', 'sympy']) would benchmark the gamma function on the 
> integer domains [1, 10] and [50,60] using Maxima and SymPy (this is only an 
> example to illustrate the proposed functionality; gamma does not 
> currently have the option to be evaluated with different backends). 
> benchmark_function(gamma, 
> domains=[[-10 - 10*I, 10 - 5*I]], ring=CC) would benchmark gamma on the 
> region of the complex plane bounded by the two points -10 - 10i and 10 - 
> 5i. The current output format of the Benchmark class in benchmark.pyshould be 
> changed to be machine-readable.

After the benchmark framework is completed, I would determine appropriate 
> domains on which to test each of the special functions, and create a 
> benchmark suite. Using the results of these benchmarks, I will modify the 
> functions that have multiple backends to use the optimal one for a given 
> domain


3. Hypergeometric functions
> #2516 <http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/2516> is going to 
> implement generalized hypergeometric functions. These are a class of 
> holonomic functions, solutions to linear differential equations with 
> polynomial coefficients. Holonomic power series are closed under sum, 
> Cauchy product, and Hadamard product, so these operations could be 
> implemented. Useful references include 
> 1<http://www.risc.jku.at/research/combinat/software/GeneratingFunctions/pub/mallinger96.pdf>
>  and 
> 2<http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=>
> .

My mentors for this project are Flavia Stan and Burcin Erocal.

Now is the Community Bonding period; since I am already acquainted with 
Sage and the community I can get to work :) I will be at Sage Days 48 in 

If anyone has any comments, suggestions, or additional ideas please let me 

Thank you,
Eviatar Bach

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