> What could possibly be wrong with the existing Poset.hasse_diagram() 
> method ?


> Well. It's a bit hard to grep the conversions that can be obtained from 
> the constructors, though :-P

All I wanted to show is that we didn't invent the "to_???" methods which 
you call "unusual Sage syntax". 

> MyObject(MyOtherObject) is a cool thing to write when there is no doubt 
as to how the object should be converted.

This becomes a little problematic if the user is not aware that "MyObject" 
even exists, while she is seeing it in tab completion with the "to_???" 

> Though we already have a P.hasse_diagram() for that.

This is not a bad example, DiGraph(P) might be okay to come up with, but 
would a given user figure out that he should do HasseDiagram(P) in order to 
get the Hasse diagram (and to import it first, since it's not in the global 

> Trying DiGraph(my_poset) to get its associated digraph (hasse diagram) is 
rather sensible to me, while Partition(my_graph) to get your partition 
would be totally crazy because there is no natural partition associated 
with a graph.

As I wrote above, DiGraph sounds reasonable to me as well, HasseDiagram 
much less reasonable, while Partition would indeed be stupid.

> all that matters to me is that there is a function from A to B and that's 
another map for find_stat"

Let me emphasize this once more here, if it where only to get it in 
findstat, there would be no problem at all to patch everything we need, and 
apply it on top of a fresh Sage - we do that already for other stuff we do 
not think to be valuable for Sage itself.

All I do is arguing that I consider the changes to be valuable for Sage, or 
equivalently, for other people who use Sage.

> but I do think that this .to_partition() and .to_graph() are not valuable 
to Sage

My impression is that you only care because it is "your" graph code. But 
nevertheless, several people wrote in this thread that they do not like 
these maps, so I'd suggest to remove them again (I wouldn't call it a 
majority but I do understand that it is arguable to say "we have a method 
that provides the connected components, so why should we add another giving 
their sizes").

> And as I understand why it would be useful for find_stat (you want to add 
maps, and you can only do so with decorators on functions, i.e. not on 
constructors) I think that this explanation is right :-P

It would have taken me 30 min to undo the changes, and patch them for 
myself on top of Sage, while this discussion took certainly more time. So I 
must have had another reason to discuss...

> Well, don't want to be forced to run that code when I work on graphs. Is 
that a problem ? O_o

Somehow yes since you consider your negligible disadvantage (as you said 
yourself) more important than advantages for others.

> With the decorator above I wouldn't have to run your code as soon as I 
call a method which bears your decorator.

I'll see if I gonna try to change the implementation, but currently I think 
of asking if the combinat people want to keep it as it is (and remove the 
two methods from graphs), or if I just patch it - I don't see why I should 
spend more time on that...



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