After using sage for quite some time, and contributing some input to the 
sage-on-gentoo project, I finally decided to get my hands dirty and tackle some 
annyoing bugs in sage itself, #14403 in particular. In the process, I used the 
Dev Walk-Through at 
which was a great help. Nevertheless, I had some thoughts which might improve 
it even further, so I'll share them here.

The text starts out already assuming that you have a sage install. I think 
there should be more on how to obtain the sources. In particular, it seems as 
if the right way to start coding on sage is by taking a reasonably recent 
source release tarball and compile that. Since this is opposed to the “check 
out the repository head” I'd do for pretty much any other project, this might 
be worth mentioning.

If I start from a tarball, then I'm likely behind the repository tip. Usually 
I'd pull in new changes, to ensure that the patches I submit are against the 
latest state of affairs. But I found no description at all how to do this, or 
if it is considered good practice in the sage community. Down on that page I 
find the section on “Upgrading Sage with queues present”, which does mention 
that I might upgrade at some point, but it only states that a suitable URL 
might be provided in discussion groups. No single URL to get to repository 
head, so I assume this is for release upgrades only. Should I try to manually 
upgrade to what has to offer?

“Creating a sandbox” shows how to create what is later called a “branch”. But 
I'm a bit surprised that a sage branch apparently is a clone of the repository, 
with development still going on inside the “default” branch as far as hg is 
concerned. Is there any reason not to use a mercurial branch for this? The 
benefit, as far as I see it, would be that you'd only have a single working 
directory, which means less disk space and perhaps less confusion about which 
version you currently have opened in your editor. Of course, on the downside 
you'd have to commit changes before switching branches, and switching branches 
would mean sources change so targets have to be rebuilt. Therefore I can see 
some reasons for the current approach, but would consider an approach using 
branches worth describing as well.

“Updating a change” is a real pain, and this is the main reason I'm writing 
this post here. The elegant solution to this problem is a simple “hg commit 
--amend”, which includes all new changes into the previous commit. That way, 
you don't have to delete, clone and patch, but only to commit and export. I 
consider this so useful that you might even want to write a method to the 
hg_sage object for this. A “hg diff -r -2” to see changes relative to the 
revision before the last commit will come handy as well.

“Mercurial queues” is nice at first glance, since it uses only a single 
directory, and works more directly with the version control system. One problem 
I see here is that queues are imho rather ill suited for unrelated 
modifications. Series are always ordered stacks of patches, not simply 
collections of them. As far as I know (although I don't know mq too well) there 
is no way to apply a patch without all the patches that went before it. And 
there is no way to switch between different series either. So you can't isolate 
effects, which might be bad under some circumstances. In the simplest case, it 
means that line numbers for later patches are wrong. In more problematic cases, 
there might be adverse effects, particularly when doing things like benchmarks 
to investigate the effect of a single patch on the performance of some 

It seems to me that mercurial branches would be better suited for most cases. 
The one exception are multiple interdependent patches, since the above “commit 
--amend” will only work for a single commit. So in those cases where you'll 
submit all your patches to Trac, either to a single ticket or to multiple 
tickets with explicit interdependencies, queues would be the right tool.

Personally, I'll probably do mercurial branches in the future, and if I need 
multiple patches, I'll use mq. If I ever want to work at more than one issue 
with more than one patch, I'll probably clone the repo to get multiple distinct 

I hope that this report will help you make sage development easier for 
newcomers like myself.

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