Hi Simon,

We seem to be talking past each other, I'm afraid.  I could reply 
point-by-point to what you wrote, I think it is more productive to 
emphasise the question that I would really like to see answered:

I am looking for a concrete example demonstrating why categories ought to 
have ElementMethods.  (clarification: as opposed to an example showing how 
ElementMethods is implemented or how it can be used.)

Here is what kind of example I have in mind: a realistic computation where 
the user, in order to solve his problem, is led to a situation where all of 
the following Sage objects exist, and where, most importantly, the last 
condition holds:

- C: instance of Category whose ElementMethods contains a non-trivial 
method m
- P: instance of Parent that is an object in the category C (or, if 
necessary, multiple P_1, ..., P_n in the same C)
- e: instance of P.element_class that is an element of P (or, if necessary, 
multiple e_i in the various P_j)
- x: the result of a computation involving e (or the e_i) for which it was 
necessary to invoke C.ElementMethods.m
- in a hypothetical version of Sage in which the method m is in a subclass 
of Element, it would have been impossible, or at least much harder, for the 
user to obtain x via a similar approach where e is an instance (or the e_i 
are instances of) of this subclass (either statically or dynamically).

Even after studying several of the ElementMethods classes in 
sage/categories, I cannot think of such an example.  (Since square matrices 
and polynomial factorisation came up in this discussion: I did think 
whether these gave rise to such an example).  I fully admit that this could 
be because of a lack of creativity or experience with the category 
framework.  I am also open to any other kind of example that will convince 
me that there is no good alternative to ElementMethods that is based on 
putting the methods in the correct Element classes.  What is important is 
that I am looking for realistic and completely concrete examples.

If someone can give me an example, then my plan is to look especially 
critically at the last condition and try to show that it using the 
alternative approach would in fact be equally natural for the user in a 
hypothetical version of Sage as above.  (By this hypothetical version, I 
mean one that chiefly differs from the actual Sage with respect to the 
general implementation of providing elements with methods, i.e. is not 
tailored specifically to the specific example in question, of course.)

For clarity, let me finally compress my motivation into a caricature (and 
do please view this as just a caricature):
- I have the impression that there are good conceptual (or aesthetic, if 
you want) reasons to get rid of the attribute ElementMethods in Sage 
- I can think of a promising alternative approach that would get rid of 
this attribute;
- before wasting too much time, I want to check if my impression above 
really isn't completely idiotic, and I am trying to be as explicit as 
possible about what kind of example would make me change my opinion.

> I did read that, but it didn't quite suffice to make everything clear for 
> > me.  Also, there were some occurrences like "TODO: example" that made me 
> > wonder if there would really be a natural example. 
> I just checked: The string "TODO" or "todo" does not appear in the 
> thematic tutorial coercion_and_categories.html (title: "How to implement 
> new algebraic structures in Sage"). So, what have you been reading? 

I read sage/categories/primer.html and sage/categories/tutorial.html, and 
various docstrings in sage/categories; I didn't remember the exact titles 
and thought you were referring to the first of these.

In the meantime, I have also read coercion_and_categories.html, but I don't 
think the example in there can easily be made into an example of the kind I 
am looking for.

I hope you anyone else doesn't feel like they are wasting their time in 
this discussion, and that at least something useful will come out of it for 
others who want to understand (and possibly extend or modify) the category 



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