On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 10:14 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This discussion on Hacker News is relevant to "The Annual Sage on
> Python 3 Thread"
>    https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6985207
>    http://alexgaynor.net/2013/dec/30/about-python-3/
> 1. Argument against switching now:
> One quote from the HN discussion: "My last few Python projects have
> started out as Python 3, but ended up as 2 due to missing library
> support."    The takeaway for me is that even if we could easily just
> switch Sage to Python 3, it's not 100% clear that we actually should
> do so today.   Doing so could alienate users, and restrict the
> third-party code and packages that can be installed into Sage. For
> example, we might see "I started out using Sage (which uses Python 3),
> but had to switch to Numpy/Scipy/etc. and Python 2 due to missing
> library support.    Anyway, I wanted to point this out loud and clear
> in case anybody on the list has been silently worrying about this.
> 2. Argument for switching now:
> On the other hand, the main suggestion in the discussion there for how
> to fix this situation is to get all the popular Linux distros to
> switch to Python3.   Sage is like a linux distro, in that if we switch
> it would help move things along.    Also, Sage isn't meant to be
> mainly a "python platform", but an "alternative to Mathematica/etc."
> platform.
> To me personally, a killer feature I really like in Python3 is the
> massively improved unicode support.  I don't personally use it, but I
> think it makes Sage much, much more palatable to the international
> community, who like to write code like the following, which was sent
> to me by Ширшов Андрей in Russia, who just one first prize in a
> contest there for applying Sage to ship-building:
>         #Sage variable names can be only in Latin characters
>         numbers=[1,2,3.5]
>         strings=["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
>         names=["Зоя", "Яна", "Кит"]
>         второе_имя="Яна"
>         print(numbers)
>         print(strings)
>         print(names)
>         if второе_имя in names:
>             print("Второе имя в списке %s" % второе_имя)
> According to
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2649544/unicode-identifiers-in-python
>  this will never work in Python2 no matter what you do, but it does
> work fine with python3.  So you can put the above in a file cyr.py,
> and type "python3 cyr.py", and it works.
> I look at analytics a lot, and the distribution of Sage users is very
> world-wide, with a lot from non-native-English countries, and some of
> them would really appreciate being able to name their variables using
> their own language.    In Mathematica (I just checked), there's no
> problem at all with unicode identifiers, so far as I can tell.     So
> from the Sage mission statement -- "create a viable alternative to the
> Ma's" -- it seems critical to our goals to switch to Python 3.
> William

I don't think that we are quite there with switching. For starters we need
both scons and polybori to be updated to support python 3, but beyond that,
the Sage library needs a massive amount of work to make it Python 3
compatible. Moreover, I don't think we have to force the switch, it should
be perfectly possible to support both python 2 and python 3 for a period of


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