Hi Volker,

I see. So is my understanding correct, that the proper usage of the
ECM is as follows:

1. Determine if N is prime, using pari(N).ispseudoprime(). The
standard conjecture is that there exist infinitely many
counterexamples, even though no single one is known.

2. If N is not prime, lookup the proper B1 using the table I posted.

3. Keep calling ecmfactor() until it gives you a factor. It must give
you a factor eventually.



On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just calling ecmfactor from the innards of the ecm library is just trying
> one elliptic curve (see the docs). This is not going to be really useful by
> itself.
> sage: ecm.factor(121)
> [11, 11]
> Relevant discussion at http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15443
> On Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:35:46 PM UTC, Ondřej Čertík wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What is the state of the art library for factoring integers?
>> I was under the impression, that it is the GCM-ECM library
>> (http://ecm.gforge.inria.fr/).
>> I've been trying to use ECM and I noticed the following behavior:
>> sage: from sage.libs.libecm import ecmfactor
>> sage: N = 121
>> sage: factor(N)
>> 11^2
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 1)
>> (True, 121)
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 100)
>> (True, 121)
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 200)
>> (True, 121)
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 0)
>> (True, 121)
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 0.)
>> (True, 11)
>> In other words, it never finds the factor 11, unless you give it B1=0.0
>> Compared to N=122, where it always finds it:
>> sage: N = 122
>> sage: factor(N)
>> 2 * 61
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 1)
>> (True, 2)
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 100)
>> (True, 2)
>> sage: ecmfactor(N, 200)
>> (True, 2)
>> I have a few questions:
>> * Does this mean that ECM only works sometimes?
>> * Is there a parameter B1, that always works?
>> In the README file of the ecm-6.4.4 package, I found:
>>        digits D  optimal B1   default B2           expected curves
>>                                                        N(B1,B2,D)
>>                                               -power 1         default
>> poly
>>           20       11e3         1.9e6             74               74
>> [x^1]
>>           25        5e4         1.3e7            221              214
>> [x^2]
>>           30       25e4         1.3e8            453              430
>> [D(3)]
>>           35        1e6         1.0e9            984              904
>> [D(6)]
>>           40        3e6         5.7e9           2541             2350
>> [D(6)]
>>           45       11e6        3.5e10           4949             4480
>> [D(12)]
>>           50       43e6        2.4e11           8266             7553
>> [D(12)]
>>           55       11e7        7.8e11          20158            17769
>> [D(30)]
>>           60       26e7        3.2e12          47173            42017
>> [D(30)]
>>           65       85e7        1.6e13          77666            69408
>> [D(30)]
>>           Table 1: optimal B1 and expected number of curves to find a
>>           factor of D digits with GMP-ECM.
>> The only documentation about ECM that I found in Sage is this:
>> http://www.sagemath.org/doc/bordeaux_2008/integer_factorization.html
>> http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/libs/sage/libs/libecm.html
>> But it doesn't answer my questions above.
>> If the answer is that ECM only works sometimes, but it's not a
>> reliable way to factor integers, what is the fastest library that
>> always works?
>> Many thanks,
>> Ondrej
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