Hi Kitserve,

On 25 March 2014 21:15, Kitserve <ubu...@kitserve.org.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> Any chance of a build of Sage for i386 architecture? So far as I can
> tell, the aims repo only contains amd64 builds at the moment, and I
> haven't been able to rebuild the package myself from apt-get source as
> the debian/rules file doesn't contain any targets. I'm happy to help
> with the process if you can provide instructions.
> Thanks!
> --
> This message was sent from Launchpad by
> Kitserve (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kitserve)
> using the "Contact this team's admins" link on the AIMS team page
> (https://launchpad.net/~aims).
> For more information see
> https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ContactingPeople

This is a common query for me.
I hope to have LTS 32+64 bit packages in the repo by May or June.

Some background:

Sage is a large open source tree. Many upstream projects combined. Sage
uses buildbot/buildslave network to build, and builds easily with one make
due to strictly controlling the versions. Debianization is a hard problem
due to having to separate out each component and having the right version
(and sometimes customizations/patches) in Debian. The project is underway
for a few years already. It was actually done in 2008 or so, but out of
date almost immediately, then orphaned. It has restarted a few years later.

I made a PPA to
* have an easy way (in the sysadm sense) to install in the meantime
* get automatic updates via apt
* add a desktop icon

The PPA does not really "build" sage but treats the open source upstream
tree, once it is built and distributed on sagemath.org, as a binary
package, i.e. simply copying the files into place in /usr/*.

The buildslave network is community run, e.g. AIMS provides the 64bit 12.04
buildslave. There is no 12.04 32bit buildslave for a while now, which is
why I had to discontinue that in the PPA. I hope to expand the AIMS
provided buildslaves to 4: 12.04 and 14.04 both 32bit and 64 bit. Then I
can "repackage in debs" those for the PPA. For non-LTS I just copy the last
LTS binary into the non-LTS space, that seems to work fine.

The community does provide a later non-LTS binary on sagemath.org.

The rules file has no targets as everything is in the install/links files.
The rules file basically says to build nothing (because it is already

In the meantime, your 32bit12.04 LTS option is to build from source. You
get no auto-updates, or desktop icon (you can easily create) but you get
modular upgrades with sage -upgrade (only the components which change get
downloaded and rebuilt).

For example:
sudo apt-get build-dep sagemath-upstream-binary
cd sage-X.Y

Our delay is due to other institutional duties/academic calendar, and
wanting to put the buildslaves on a 14.04 LTS server with LXC guests for
the four instances. We've built a prototype to get familiar with LXC, and
can get back to this after 14.04 releases.



Proper fix; underway:

Upstream 32bit packages (only Ubuntu 13.04)

Those come from buildslave network, see no 12.04 32bit:

Then I "repackage" for PPA:

Note 13.04 is end-of-life already. LTS is much more useful, and I can "copy
pacages" on launchpad (the PPA platform) to the following non-LTS releases,
and they seem to work fine.

  /V\     Jan Groenewald
 /( )\    www.aims.ac.za

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