On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 09:17:16AM -0700, Volker Braun wrote:
>    The problem is that we don't have an algorithm to find out that the group
>    is finite (short of generating all elements). So it is placed in the
>    "Groups" category instead of "FiniteGroups", and that doesn't have an
>    iterator. There should be an in-between category of finitely generated
>    groups which provides the iterator. In any case, a workaround is:
>    sage: list(TransitiveIdeal(lambda x:[g*x for g in G4.gens()], [G4.one()]))
>    [ [1 0]  [    w     0]  [     1 -w - 1]  [    w     1]  [     0 -w - 1]  
>    [ [0 1], [w + 1     1], [     0      w], [w + 1     0], [    -1      w], 
>    [-w - 1      w]  [     1     -w]  [    w w + 1]  [-w - 1     -1]  
>    [     w  w + 1], [     0 -w - 1], [w + 1    -w], [     w      0], 
>    [    -w      0]  [ 0  1]  [    0     w]  [ w + 1     -w]  [    -w     -1] 
>    [-w - 1     -1], [-1  0], [   -1 w + 1], [    -w -w - 1], [-w - 1      0],
>     [   -1 w + 1]  [    0 w + 1]  [-w - 1      0]  [    -w -w - 1]  
>     [    0    -w], [    1    -w], [     w      1], [-w - 1      w], 
>    [w + 1     1]  [   -1     w]  [ 0 -1]  [w + 1     0]  [-1  0]  
>    [   -w     0], [    0 w + 1], [ 1  0], [   -w    -1], [ 0 -1], 
>    [     0     -w] ]
>    [     1 -w - 1] ]

If you know your group is finite, you should be able to do (not tested):

        sage: G4._refine_category(FiniteGroups())

We should probably add a "category" optional argument to MatrixGroup,
so that we can specify this when we build the group.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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