> I'm about to give a very intro talk about graph theory in Sage, and 
> the graph database section [1] of the reference manual begins: "... 
> This class will also interface with the optional database package 
> containing all unlabeled graphs with 8 or fewer nodes." 
> I can't find any optional package to install to get these extra graphs 
> up to 8 vertices.   Anybody have any idea what happened to this?   I 
> realize that this stuff was originally done by Robert Miller and Emily 
> Kirkman, who have moved on to other things (Home Depot and Actuarial 
> work, I think...), but maybe somebody has kept track...  If not, we 
> should delete that line from the reference manual. 
> There is a database included in Sage with graphs up to 7 nodes: 
> for k in [1..9]: 
>     print k, GraphQuery(display_cols=['num_vertices'], 
> num_vertices=k).number_of() 
> 1 1 
> 2 2 
> 3 4 
> 4 11 
> 5 34 
> 6 15 
> 7 1044 
> 8 0 
> 9 0 
> So the builtin database is pretty tiny -- only just over a thousand 
> graphs total? 
Well, the problem is that there is a LOT of information in the database, 
some of which is quite expensive to compute for all isomorphism classes.

Also, the database must still exist in some sense, 
or http://artsci.drake.edu/grout/graphs/ wouldn't work... I just found all 
three graphs with degree sequence 22222222 - which leads me to wonder how 
that syntax would have to change if two-digit (in decimal) values for 
degree were possible if the database were bigger ;-)

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