I end up getting a permission denied error after running like this:

user1@computer0:~/sage$ make

I tried doing other things so the exact message went away but i know it 
said permission error.

THen i tried doing:

user1@computer0:~/sage$ sudo sage -b

user1@computer0:~/sage$ sudo sage --docbuild developer html

, still doesnt show my changes...

Am i modifying the wrong file 
/home/user1/sage/src/doc/en/developer/sage_manuals.rst ? Should i instead 
be modifying /usr/lib/sagemath/src/doc/en/developer/sage_manuals.rst? It 
says permission denied if i try to edit and save that one...

On Friday, August 8, 2014 12:45:37 PM UTC-7, Paul Graham wrote:
> Okay. No worries, at this point nothing is very obvious to me yet! About 
> how hours does it normally take for sage to build the first time? I guess i 
> should of done 
> ./sage -br
> instead of 
> make
> since i didnt change any third party packages, just documentation, as make 
> has been running for the past 4 hours... Part of the learning process i 
> suppose.
> On Friday, August 8, 2014 12:40:54 AM UTC-7, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
>> On 2014-08-08 09:15, kcrisman wrote: 
>> > You have to do sage -b first, though I don't know if this is well 
>> > advertised. 
>> Or even easier, you can replace 
>> $ sage -b 
>> $ sage --docbuild developer html 
>> by the simple command 
>> $ make 
>> And sorry to state the obvious, but you might need to hit the refresh 
>> button on your browser. 

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