I just found time to actually read the links posted by the OP on Graydon 
Hoare's history of programming language development, culminating in Julia.

Oh I wish I could write like that! The guy is clearly a genius of immense 

I truly, truly wish that the computer algebra and number theoretic 
communities were engaging people like this and leveraging their insight and 
vision to the fullest.


On Friday, 22 August 2014 01:19:22 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:
> Another thing that I think is terribly important is that the entire 
> technology stack, LLVM, all its libraries and packages, its console, the 
> IJulia web interface and Julia itself, all work out of the box on Windows 
> 64, natively, not as a Cygwin app (they use MinGW64/MSYS2 to build Julia).
> And I've personally verified this. After some initial troubles due to the 
> fact that flint.dll is not built correctly on Windows 64, Nemo works 
> perfectly on Windows and from the IJulia interface running on my local 
> Windows 64 machine.
> This doesn't solve any problems for Sage, as many mathematical libraries 
> still don't natively support Windows 64 despite it being a decade old. But 
> it is a significant feature of Julia (and of the Nemo project I am writing 
> with Julia).
> Bill.
> On Friday, 22 August 2014 00:26:23 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:
>> On Friday, 22 August 2014 00:08:20 UTC+2, Bill Hart wrote:
>>> My cursory look into Julia only poped out JIT stuff, not a real 
>>>> complier... 
>>> Static compilation is coming to Julia. But not because it will speed 
>>> things up. It already has all the speed of an optimising compiler at the 
>>> console, as you type!
>> I should qualify that. Technically, jit compilation and type inference 
>> begin at the function boundary in Julia. So stuff you type at the top level 
>> is not optimised. I think that is a mistake, as it's unnecessary. In the 
>> language I was working on (using LLVM) type inference and optimisation 
>> begin at the top level (which for me is a function). There is a small 
>> runtime hit with global variables, but that is all.
>> In particular, in the language I was working on, loops at the top level 
>> are jit compiled. In Julia they are not. But it's almost irrelevant, except 
>> when doing timing experiments to see how fast Julia really goes. You might 
>> easily think to type a loop into the top level and time it and wonder what 
>> all the fuss is about. Put that loop inside a function and you'll soon see.
>> julia> function sumit(n::Int)
>>           s = 0
>>           for i = 1:n
>>             s += i
>>           end
>>           return s
>>        end
>> sumit (generic function with 1 method)
>> julia> @time sumit(1000000000)
>> elapsed time: 0.913325036 seconds (78060 bytes allocated)
>> 500000000500000000
>> Bill.

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