On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 00:40:34 UTC+2, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Bill Hart <goodwi...@googlemail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> >> > Correct. But classes are essentially objects in Python because 
> >> > everything is 
> >> > an object, pretty much. This really muddies the water. Better to 
> think 
> >> > of 
> >> > classes and objects as being separate concepts. 
> >> 
> >> I, for one, find it very convenient (especially compared to using 
> >> reflection and other hacks that are needed to reason about type at 
> >> runtime in C++ or Java). Not that some languages aren't even better. 
> >> 
> >> > Also better to think of ZZ as a class in Sage and elements of ZZ as 
> >> > objects, 
> >> > even though actually ZZ happens to be an object too because Python. 
> >> 
> >> No. ZZ is an object because you might want to do things with it, like 
> >> ask for it's properties (is it infinite?) 
> > 
> > Sorry if I have that wrong. But when I type ZZ?? into Sage, it pulls up 
> the 
> > definition of a class. 
> If a is an instance of class A, typing a?? will give you the definition of 
> A. 

Ah thanks for pointing that out. I now see that 1 is an object of class 
Integer, whereas ZZ is an object of class Integer_ring.

So where I spoke of ZZ in Sage, please substitute Integer.

(Except that I was using that as an argument for using ZZ as a name for my 
bignum integer type in Julia; which argument you have now destroyed. I 
would have liked to use Integer though. But it was already taken.)

> > Anyway, it's irrelevant because Python. 
> > 
> > In Julia types are also able to be passed around as first class objects. 
> > Which means you can define multimethods which take types as parameters. 
> I do 
> > this all the time in Nemo. 
> > 
> > So I can send a type to a function which gives me some properties of the 
> > type, if I so wish. I thought about adding properties like is_infinite 
> to 
> > types in Nemo. But I found that I had been thinking the wrong way about 
> > things all along. 
> Good, because I was worried there for a minute you were praising Julia 
> for not treating types as first class objects. 

Nah. But I don't have anything against not making types first class 
objects. So long as their constructors are.

It also depends somewhat on your definition of first class.

> >> or use it as a parameter 
> >> (e.g. the domain of a Map object). Sometimes the Objects (in the 
> >> categorical sense) are more interesting than their elements. 
> > 
> > If you are a category theorist yes. Most mathematicians think categories 
> are 
> > just sets. 
> > 
> >> 
> >> If your Objects are parameterized types, 
> >> 
> >> I'm curious how you handle in 
> >> Julia the fact that R[x] is a Euclidean domain iff R is a field. 
> > 
> > I'm curious, is the category of Euclidean domains a full subcategory of 
> > Rings? 
> I think so; the Euclidean property doesn't place any constraint on the 
> morphisms. 

I should have asked whether Fields were. Some references say yes, some no.

It's also really funny that if you look up Category of Euclidean Domains on 
the intertubes you get two types of pages in general. The first is Wiki 
articles that use the words category and subcategory in the common speech 
sense, not in the mathematical sense. Then there is the Sage documentation, 
which speaks of the Category of Euclidean Domains.

As a concept, it just isn't that useful to category theorists (apparently; 
I wouldn't know, I'm not a category theorist).

My point is really that having a typeclass hierarchy that revolves around 
category theory isn't necessarily useful.

Euclidean rings (and more specifically Euclidean domains) are a difficult 
concept to model in a type hierarchy, because it is not that easy to tell 
when a ring is a Euclidean ring, and if so, what the Euclidean function is 
on that ring.

Also, the Euclidean function may only be used implicitly in any algorithms 
used to compute a gcd. So the Euclidean function is not that useful. And 
there may be more than one Euclidean structure on a ring, e.g. Z/nZ for n 

The upshot of this is that whether or not a ring has a Euclidean function 
defined on it is probably not something you want to represent in an 
"interface". Thus, it is not that useful a concept when defining a 
typeclass or interface for types to belong to.

You could make your interface depend on whether there is a gcd function. 
But such a function could just return an ideal, for example in a Dedekind 
domain (Sage even does this; inconsistently). So whether there is a gcd 
function is neither here nor there.

So I would argue right from the outset that EuclideanDomain is neither a 
useful concept category theory-wise, nor computationally.

Note that there is no EuclideanDomain typeclass currently in Nemo (I know I 
did provide it in my big long list of typeclasses that could be added).

> I am still curious how you would express that 
> UnivariatePolynomialRing{QQ} <: EuclideanDomans but the same doesn't 
> hold for UnivariatePolynomialRing{ZZ} in Julia. 

You wouldn't do this. But suppose you would.

You might have:

abstract Ring
abstract EuclideanDomain <: Ring 

type Poly{T <: Ring} <: Ring
    # blah blah

type EuclideanPoly{T <: Field} <: EuclideanDomain
   # more blah blah

The type construction function PolynomialRing can then be written such

PolynomialRing{T <: Ring}(::Type{T}, S::string) # this is the generic 
function which gets called if T is a ring but not a field
   # return a Poly

PolynomialRing{T <: Field}(::Type{T}, S::string) # this function 
specialises the previous one, when T happens to be a field
   # return a EuclideanPoly

There are various ways you could handle functions that take either an 
EuclideanPoly or a Poly. For example

myfun(a :: Union(EuclideanPoly, Poly))


typealias AnyPoly Union(EuclideanPoly, Poly)

myfun(a :: AnyPoly)

And there are various ways you could handle functions that take elements of 
a EuclideanDomain or a general Ring. E.g.

myfun{T <: EuclideanDomain}(a :: T)

myfun{T <: Ring}(a :: T)

But I don't think there is any compelling reason to go to all of this 
trouble. A much better and cleaner way is the following.

abstract Ring

type Poly{T <: Ring} <: Ring
  # blah blah

abstract GCDDomain <: Ring
abstract Field <: GCDDomain # it's questionable whether you really want to 
do this instead of Field <: Ring, but that's another story

typealias EuclideanDomain{T <: Field} Union(GCDDomain, Poly{T})

function myfun{T <: EuclideanDomain}(a :: T)
   # blah

This lot all compiles by the way. And you can check it really works:

First define a type which belongs to Field:

type Bill <: Field

julia> myfun(Bill())

julia> myfun(Poly{Bill}())

No complaints.

Now define a type which is not a field, but just a ring:

type Fred <: Ring

And then:

julia> myfun(Poly{Fred}())
ERROR: `myfun` has no method matching myfun(::Poly{Fred})

julia> myfun(Fred())
ERROR: `myfun` has no method matching myfun(::Fred)

However, in all of the above, you see that I never actually used GCDDomain 
at all. So it can really be removed if so desired. It's likely you defined 
a gcd function for some clean set of rings in the first place, which can 
all be delineated nicely without having some special typeclass for it.

And then, in reality, EuclideanDomain is just a union of various types, 
just as the particular rings you can define a gcd function for is an 
eclectic mix, with no particular rhyme or reason to it.

> >> (As 
> >> you mention, trying to use the type hierarchy in Python to model 
> >> categorical relationships in Sage has generally lead to pain which is 
> >> why we're moving away from that...) 
> > 
> > Oh I can't think why. 
> I buy that the type system is more powerful in Julia (yay), but I'm 
> still skeptical that it is the best way to express the relationship 
> between objects and categories, and at the same time elements and 
> objects, and attach useful information to those categories and 
> objects. 

That was kind of the point of my earlier post. There is no such best way. 
Categories don't match any concept in computer science (well, that is not 
strictly true, but that's a long diversion into n-categories and homotopy 
types). Usually we can't push the carpet down around all the corners of the 
room, but we can get it sufficiently flat locally.

> - Robert 

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