On 2014-09-13, Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:
> On 2014-09-13 11:35, Nathann Cohen wrote:
>> Hello everybody !
>> I just wrote a function I need for myself, and I wonder where I should
>> put it in Sage. Here is the thing:
>> I have a boolean function F defined on all subsets of a set X. The
>> function is increasing, i.e. F(X)=1 => F(X')=1 for all subsets X' of X.
> I would call that "decreasing" (smaller sets give larger values of F).
>> or possibly only the
>> inclusionwise maximal solutions.
> Sounds like an interesting problem, do you know of an efficient 
> algorithm to do this (without simply trying all sets of course)? Have 
> you looked in the literature?
>> And so I wondered what exactly I should do with this function, as it
>> seems to be the kind of things that could be useful to other people too.
> Certainly.
>> Do you have any idea where it belongs ?
> I have a "coding theory" feel about this problem because it sounds a bit 
> like finding the minimal-weight vectors for a code (the sets X 
> corresponding to the index sets of zero coefficients)

it's quite general; e.g. X is precisely the set of losing coalitions
in a simple game (in cooperative game theory)


> Jeroen.

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