On Monday, September 15, 2014 3:24:42 PM UTC-4, Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed the following change in simplifications between Sage 6.3 and 
> preceeding versions:
> In Sage 6.2 (and preceeding):
> sage: simplify( abs(sqrt(x)) )
> sqrt(x)
> sage: simplify( abs(1/sqrt(x)) )
> 1/sqrt(x)
> while in Sage 6.3:
> sage: simplify( abs(sqrt(x)) )
> sqrt(x)
> sage: simplify( abs(1/sqrt(x)) )
> abs(1/sqrt(x))
> The behavior in Sage <= 6.2 is coherent and correct for x real (but not 
> for x complex !), while that in Sage 6.3 is not coherent (why simplifying 
> abs(sqrt(x)) and not abs(1/sqrt(x)) ?). Is there any reason for this ? 
> Shall this be considered as a bug ?
Remember, under the hood `simplify` just sends to Maxima and back.   I 
can't even get Maxima to return 1/sqrt(x) in this situation with Sage 6.2, 
though, so maybe it fixed a bad translation on our part...  but I don't see 
how the most relevant change of making sure Sage variables are unique could 
have done this, so I assume Maxima changed this behavior, as there was an 
upgrade in between. 

Vincent's ?! example would also be a Maxima thing... well, I guess if abs 
gives you the magnitude of the complex number in question then it must be 

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