Hi sage-devel,

At http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16996#comment:47, we had this discussion 
about what should be the present working directory (pwd) for sage 
-notebook=ipython ? Personally, I really like the behavior of the sage 
command line where the pwd is just the present working directory:

$ pwd
$ sage
sage: pwd

I was expecting the same for the new ipython notebook for Sage. But as 
#16996 will go in now, the default directory will always be 
DOT_SAGE/notebooks_ipython/ which follows the style for the sagenb notebook 
where worksheets were hidden in some DOT_SAGE folder.

Note: With #16996, it is possible to start in the current directory with 
sage -notebook=ipython --notebook-dir=.

Time to vote. What do you prefer as default directory for the ipython 

 - pwd
 - DOT_SAGE/notebooks_ipython/ 


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