On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 06:09:44AM +0100, Thierry wrote:
> OK, sorry if i misunderstood, you seemed to support a vote about that
> (even proposing a third alternative name) since your message was:

A *poll*, not a *vote*. A poll sounds useful to get a sense of where
the community stands to know better in which direction to work toward
a consensus.

> Some people were opposed to the existence of such a text (i was not
> in the absolute, see the beginning of my first e-mail), and this
> should be acknowledged, even if those people did not insist (there
> are still interesting bits in there).

Sure, one should reach toward those people, see how strong their
feelings are (is it more than "don't see the point" or "oh well, as
long as it's not strict laws"?), etc.

> Well, i precisely would like no one to take the lead (nor a small
> subgroup as just happened). For me the correct way is the way we
> will decide together. Of course i will participate to such
> discussion, but i do not plan to impose anything, this would be
> inconsistent.

Leading is not about taking the decisions, but about organizing the
decision process, by the community, for the community. Having people
move forward by creating wiki pages, calling for feedback, etc is
useful, if not necessary.

> > [1] Yes, I am kindly teasing you a bit here :-)
> >     Tes grands airs de ces derniers temps m'ont un peu agacé ...
> Si tu veux faire une remarque (pas particulierement "kindly") en francais
> sur une mailing-liste comme si c'etait un message prive, tu connais mon
> adresse mail (non, je ne me refererai pas au code de conduite). Ceci-dit,
> ca tombe bien, c'etait le but. Pour info, devoir tirer l'alarme comme je
> l'ai fait n'est pas agreable et n'amene que des ennemis (la preuve?), il
> m'aurait ete plus facile de rester au chaud quand les tuiles volent bas.

Back to English. My comment was not meant to be private. I put it in
French for the simple reason that I did not find the right wording in
English. I am grateful, really, that you went ahead and pointed
potential risks and suggested better ways to proceed. Indeed you took
a risk in doing so. Others did too.

That being said, I did find the tone not particularly "kindly" and was
hurt by it. I allowed myself, in a single line and half jokingly, to
use a similar tone. I let you judge on the effect.

End of the parenthesis; what had to be said has been said, we can move
on (or if you believe it's useful to discuss this a bit further, we
should indeed do that privately).

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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