On 2014-12-05, Fredrik Johansson <fredrik.johans...@gmail.com> wrote:
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> On Friday, December 5, 2014 8:17:44 AM UTC+1, Nathann Cohen wrote:
>> Helloooooo everybody !
>> I am preparing some Sage talk, and I wanted to say at some point: 
>> "Honestly we are not that good. We have strong points but we miss many 
>> things too. It all depends on what the developpers are interested in: we 
>> are great on some research areas, and under water level on others"
>> Somehow this question is also related to William's "Sage has failed", as 
>> we cannot be a replacement for Mathematica/Maple/.... unless we cover all 
>> kinds of mathematics.
>> In your past experiences (possibly when using Sage to teach in a 
>> classroom), in which areas do you think we are behind users' expectations ?
> * Symbolics in general. Symbolic integration and summation. Rewriting 
> expressions. Simplifying inequalities. Simplifying expressions subject to 
> assumptions involving inequalities. Limits and generalized series 
> expansions involving special functions. Sage can do a bit of these things 
> via Maxima and SymPy, but it's nowhere near as powerful as Mathematica.
> * Many numerical functions do not work with arbitrary precision. In 
> Mathematica and Maple, arbitrary precision works seamlessly pretty much 
> everywhere. In Sage, a lot of functions are hardcoded for double precision. 
> A first step would be to provide really solid support for basic numerical 
> calculus (like computing integrals, #8321) by leveraging what's available 
> in Pari and mpmath. When it comes to things like multivariate optimization, 
> solving ODEs and PDEs, etc. with arbitrary precision, I don't think there's 
> any open source software that competes with Mathematica.

The latter is not that uniformly bad.
E.g. Sage beats the MMas on arbitrary precision linear optimisation :-)
Asn well, there are OSS's, not (yet) in Sage, that do arbitrary precision 
semidefinite optimisation
(a particular kind of convex optimisation, generalising linear)
something that the MMas don't do.


> * Performance. You often run into a wall as soon as you do anything 
> slightly complicated in Sage that isn't directly wrapping the right 
> C/C++/Cython implementation. Bill Hart had an example of computing a 
> resultant of two large (but not astronomically large) multivariate 
> polynomials over a finite field, where Magma does it in a minute, Bill's 
> Julia code does it in 5 seconds, and he had to kill Sage after waiting for 
> hours...
> Fredrik

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