
I'm having strange numerical behaviour with my experimental sage using debian packages, with two failing doctests in the src/sage/libs/pari/ directory (both in gen.pyx) :

Failed example:
    2.00000000000000 - 1.08420217248550 E-19*I
    2.00000000000000 + 0.E-19*I

Failed example:
    [0.E-19 - 1.02152286795670*I, -0.149072813701096 - 0.149072813701096*I]
    [0.E-18 - 1.02152286795670*I, -0.149072813701096 - 0.149072813701096*I]

For the first one, the "Got:" is the one expected on a 32-bit box! And from all the tests in the directory where there is a differing 32-bit/64-bit expectation, it's the only failing.

For the second one... I really don't know...

Does it look familiar?

Snark on #sagemath

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