---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Johan S. R. Nielsen" <santaph...@gmail.com>
Date: 20 Feb 2015 17:24
Subject: [sage-coding-theory] Coding Theory development project.
Request-for-comments: New code family and encoder/decoder structu
To: <sage-coding-the...@googlegroups.com>

Hello everyone,

As we announced previously (
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-devel/pBmeknQcyZM), we started
October 1. a 2-year project for improving coding theory support in Sage.
This post has two purposes: 1) It's our "going public" post, where we
announce more precisely our plans for our 2-year project; and 2) It puts up
for discussions our new scalable design for doing coding theory in Sage
which comes with a fully working and documented implementation, integrated
into a fork of Sage.

Our project now has a web page, which is also our project repository:

This page contains a description of our project, our development plan, and
a description of what has currently been implemented including examples. It
is also a Git repository containing a fork of the Sage project containing
at any time the newest version of Sage with the newest (unstable) version
of our code integrated. Little by little, our code will be cut up into
tickets and incorporated into Sage using Trac and the review system. While
tickets are being reviewed, new ones will be written, and our Git
repository makes it easy to get a Sage version containing all the newest

What we have done so far and our suggested design:
Our team -- and principally our main developer David Lucas -- has been hard
at work thinking of a scalable design for representing the core objects of
coding theory: it should appeal to people coming from any of the many
approaches to coding theory, and as with all things Sage, it should appeal
to many levels of user competence. This is just the first step of our
project, and later ones will add much more new functionality.

The result is a base design and a working demo of this that we suggest to
incorporate into Sage. It concerns principally

 - Code families as classes
 - Representation of multiple encoding and decoding methods, specific to
the respective code family.

And secondarily

 - Representing communication channels, i.e. "adding errors"
 - Some renaming of foundational methods

To demonstrate this, we have implemented:

 - Generalized Reed-Solomon codes as a class
 - Hamming Codes as a class
 - Concatenated codes as a class, demonstrating the modularity of
class-based families
 - 2 encoders for GRS codes
 - 3 fast decoders for GRS codes, two half-minimum distance decoders, 1
error-erasure decoder
 - A channel for adding errors, and a channel for adding errors-and-erasures

It will have deep consequences for the representation, use and further
development of coding theory functionality. Before opening tickets for
these changes, we want to present the design here, so that we can discuss
and possibly improve it.

Code examples are much better than words at conveying design: we have
written a page going through the new ideas of the design from a user's
point of view:

In more technical details, the main design features that we propose are:

1) Code families are classes. This enables family-specific functionality,
such as minimum distance bounds or fast decoders.
2) A code is therefore no longer always given by a generator matrix. For
such code families, a generator matrix will only be computed on demand.
3) Encoders are classes. We support multiple encoders for a code family
allowing different mappings.
4) The message space for an encoder can be something else than a vector
space. Reed-Solomon codes can e.g. have an encoder which encodes
polynomials directly.
5) The inverse of encoding is called "unencoding" (as opposed to "decoding"
which we reserve for correcting errors). unencode() is a method on Encoder.
6) Decoders are classes. This enables multiple decoders for a code family.
7) Decoders have an input space which is not necessarily the ambient space
of the code. This supports e.g. soft-decision decoders where reliability
information is part of the input.
8) Decoders can decode to a codeword or directly to a message space.
9) There are convenience methods directly on a code for encoding, decoding
and unencode such that users not caring about these choices are not
10) We introduce Channels which embody the concept of communication
channels, both for adding errors and for changing representation. They
provide a modular and convenient structure for user-friendliness and
code-reusability in e.g. benchmarking frameworks.
11) Renaming of some methods in LinearCode: gen_mat into generator_matrix
and check_mat to parity_check_matrix.

We invite for discussion on this design and for contributions by everyone
motivated by coding theory. As soon as we agree on this thread, we will
create a ticket on Trac with the first few changes. Reviewers will be more
than welcome!

David Lucas, Johan S. R. Nielsen, Clément Pernet and Daniel Augot

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