
I propose that we remove the optional package "extra_docs-20070208"
from sage completely.   It's static copies of documentation from 8
years ago relevant to sage.  It's a package I made.  Clearly I'm
not updating it.

I also think we should remove  java3d-20070901 and knoboo-20080411.

In fact, I would be OK with removing all of the following as official
optional Sage packages that appear when doing "sage -optional" on a
fresh sage-6.5 install:

salvus@compute:/usr/local/sage/sage-6.5$ ./sage -optional|grep not
PyQt_x11-4.9.1.p0 ....................... not installed
TOPCOM-0.17.4 ........................... not installed
autotools-20121217 ...................... not installed
beautifulsoup-3.2.1 ..................... not installed  # in pypi
extra_docs-20070208 ..................... not installed
gcc-4.6.4 ............................... not installed  # doesn't
standard sage have a newer gcc?
ginv-1.9-20080723 ....................... not installed  # dated
java3d-20070901 ......................... not installed   # surely
knoboo-20080411 ......................... not installed   # ancient
libogg-1.1.4 ............................ not installed
libtheora-1.1.1 ......................... not installed
mpi4py-1.2.2 ............................ not installed
openmpi-1.4.3 ........................... not installed
openssl-1.0.1c.p0 ....................... not installed
sip-4.13.2.p0 ........................... not installed
trac-0.11.5.p0 .......................... not installed

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