
I'm still trying to track why calling unpickle_all twice leads to a SIGABRT crash with our experimental debian package.

After some toying around, it turned out that within the whole pickle jar, only the files related to MacDonald polynomials are giving issues.

That is why I'm trying to experiment on them (within a vanilla sage), but I'm hitting a small problem : I don't even manage to dump them as pickle!

Indeed, the following :

import pickle

t = QQ['t'].gen()
obj = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t'].fraction_field()).macdonald(q=t,t=1)
with open('/tmp/mcdopols.sobj','w') as fich:
    pickle.dump(fich, obj)

only triggers:
AttributeError: 'Macdonald' object has no attribute 'write'

So I'm wondering how they were put into the pickle jar ?

Snark on #sagemath

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