On Mon, 8 Jun 2015, Nathann Cohen wrote:

I don't know anything about Poset's show/plot functions. For Graph.plot(),
however, it is true that it is never said explicitly that additional
parameters will be forwarded to matplotlib. It is done in Graph.show? but
not in Graph.plot?.

But there the documentation seems to be clear: http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/graphs/sage/graphs/generic_graph.html#sage.graphs.generic_graph.GenericGraph.show says that show() has two set of options: one is only "method" that is accepted by show, not by plot, and other set is all options for plot.

At http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/combinat/sage/combinat/posets/posets.html#sage.combinat.posets.posets.FinitePoset.show it is said that for example "label_elements" is an option, but actually it is available also with plot().

But I would like to be sure that .show(...options...) is just a shortcut to .plot(...options...).show() for posets. For graphs it is not.

Jori Mäntysalo

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