On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 3:44:12 PM UTC-8, Nils Bruin wrote:

> So something in sage's "sum" command causes maxima to store
> a property on "n". It is possible we're triggering an error in maxima 
> Maxima does have a "scoping" system for assumptions that should
> allow it to temporarily make assumptions for the benefit of local 
> simplfications and then later restore the original assumptions database
> state. It could be that we're calling code in maxima that should use that
> machinery but doesn't.

Yes, it appears that's exactly the case. Sage is interrupting the asksign
request from Maxima, right? If I try that in a Maxima session I get:

(%i20) sum(binomial(n-k,k), k, 0, n),simpsum;
Is n positive or zero?
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Ctrl-C: User break
Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
(%i21) facts();
(%o21)                    [g24348 >= 0, n >= g24348]
(%i22) is (n>=0);
(%o22)                               true

For the duration of 'sum', the index (the gensym here) is assumed
to be between the lower and upper limits, inclusive. That implies
the upper limit is >= the lower. Those assumptions aren't cleaned up
when 'sum' is interrupted; that's a bug. If you can make a bug report
about it, it would be helpful. It might have been reported already, I didn't
look for it.


Robert Dodier

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