The behaviour for ZZ--QQ--RR decided in that other thread are taking
quotients over the sub-ring ZZ. More specifically:

if a,b are in ZZ, QQ or RR then it was decided that a % b should
implicitly satisfy:

  a == (a//b) * b + a%b

and a//b in ZZ and a%b has norm smaller than b (norm as in euclidean
domain, and some fix to disallow a%b < 0). If we decided instead that
when a,b in QQ then the a//b should be taken in Q, that would imply a//b
= a/b and a%b = 0. The difference is really which ring a//b should be
required to land in.

More generally, if we have a ring R and a subring S, we could introduce
a function //_S and %_S such that for a,b in R then

  a == (a //_S b) * b + a %_S b

where (a //_S b) in S and (a %_S b) has norm < |b|. I'm not sure what
the requirements of R and S should be for such functions to exist.
Apart from all the examples with ZZ, QQ and RR, it seems to work for
e.g. R = K(x) and S = K[x] for a field K with |f1/f2| being deg f1 - deg

It might seem mathematically "arbitrary" to say that // defaults to
//_ZZ according to the above notation, whenever a,b in RR, if the above
holds for a wide variety of R and S.


>>>> 1. Should we always have
>>>>    a == a//b + a%b

John Cremona writes:

> On 19 January 2016 at 12:37, Vincent Delecroix
> <> wrote:
>> On 19/01/16 09:31, John Cremona wrote:
>>> On 19 January 2016 at 11:49, Vincent Delecroix
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> As far as I know we do not have any specifications for //. In euclidean
>>>> ring
>>>> it would be natural for it to be the quotient. But in other situations?
>>>> 1. Should we always have
>>>>    a == a//b + a%b
>>>> 2. Should // always be internal?
>>>> On 19/01/16 08:28, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
>>>>> Feature or bug?
>>> I would say "feature" since these are field elements so division is
>>> always exact, unlike ZZ(7)//ZZ(2).
>>>>> sage: QQ(7) // QQ(2)
>>>>> 7/2
>>>>> I would expect
>>>>> sage: QQ(7) // QQ(2)
>>>>> 3
>>> This would only make sense if ZZ was the only ring of which QQ was the
>>> field of fractions.  Similarly with rational function fields, in my
>>> opinion.
>>> But I think that
>>> sage: QQ(7) % QQ(2)
>>> 1
>>> is definitely a bug, for the same reason!  (Should be 0).
>> That contradicts the proposal at
> You are right, it does.  The trouble is that there seem to be two ways
> to generalize % from ZZ to QQ or RR:  I was thinking of it as the
> quotient, or approximate quotient for ZZ;  but the other thread sees
> x%y as the integer part of x/y.
> I agree that it might be useful to have a computation with (say) 100 % pi:
> sage: 100.0 % RR(pi)
> -0.530964914873380
> (without the RR one gets as error since % is not defined for SR,SR
> arguments), and it would be pretty stupid to give 0 just because a
> pure mathematician says that RR is a field so the division is exact.
> So provided that the documentation is very clear, defining x%y as the
> integer paert of x/y, for any subset of RR, makes sense.
> (What about CC?)
> John
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