Looks like a PARI issue:

sage: C.has_rational_point()
SignalError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-e3e0d07fef1b> in <module>()
----> 1 C.has_rational_point()

in has_rational_point(self, point, obstruction, algorithm, read_cache)
    221             ret = self.has_rational_point(point=True, 
    222                                           algorithm='rnfisnorm',
--> 223                                           read_cache=False)
    224             if ret[0]:
    225                 if point or obstruction:

in has_rational_point(self, point, obstruction, algorithm, read_cache)
    291             den = d.denominator()
    292             L = K.extension(X**2 - d*den**2, names='y')
--> 293             isnorm = BtoK(-abc[2]/abc[0]).is_norm(L, element=True)
    294             if isnorm[0]:

in sage.rings.number_field.number_field_element.NumberFieldElement.is_norm 
   1360             return True, L(self)
-> 1362         a, b = self._rnfisnorm(L, proof=proof)
   1363         if b == 1:
   1364             assert a.norm(K) == self

   1477         rnf_data = K.pari_rnfnorm_data(L, proof=proof)
-> 1478         x, q = self._pari_().rnfisnorm(rnf_data)
   1479         return L(x, check=False), K(q, check=False)

/home/vbraun/Code/sage/src/sage/libs/pari/gen.pyx in 
   8312     def rnfisnorm(self, T, long flag=0):
   8313         cdef gen t0 = objtogen(T)
-> 8314         pari_catch_sig_on()
   8315         return P.new_gen(rnfisnorm(t0.g, self.g, flag))

/home/vbraun/Code/sage/src/sage/ext/interrupt/interrupt.pyx in 
    109         if msg == NULL:
    110             msg = "Segmentation fault"
--> 111         raise SignalError(msg)
    113     raise SystemError("unknown signal number %s"%sig)

SignalError: Segmentation fault

On Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 4:02:59 PM UTC, Pierre wrote:
> Hi,
> The following causes a segmentation fault (on SMC):
> sage: y= polygen(QQ)
> sage: K.<a>= NumberField(y^4 - 2*y^3 - 27*y^2 + 28*y + 53)
> sage: one= 2/155*a^3 - 3/155*a^2 - 71/155*a + 1772/155
> sage: two= -28124/93*a^3 + 14062/31*a^2 + 562480/93*a + 166769/31
> sage: C= Conic(K, [1, -one, -two])
> sage: C.has_rational_point()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------SignalError
>                                Traceback (most recent call 
> last)<ipython-input-32-e3e0d07fef1b> in <module>()----> 1 
> C.has_rational_point()
> /projects/sage/sage-6.10/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/schemes/plane_conics/con_number_field.pyc
>  in has_rational_point(self, point, obstruction, algorithm, read_cache)
> <...>
> SignalError: Segmentation fault
> Thoughts, anyone?
> Pierre

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