Hello Maarteen,

My answer for your questions...and valid for me at my job (computer science 
engineer) AND at my home (maths hobbyist and sagemath user).

But one point before : I use a kind of IDE since 30 years ....and long time 
ago, available "IDE" were not same. In 1984 I used Emacs a little (one 
year) and maybe
the rest of the time, basic UNIX/Linux tools such as : ed, vi, make..

In 2014 I went to Paris for a one week comp.training about CORBA ...and it 
was the worst experience for me in 30 years : don't know about CORBA (the 
main subject), don't know about C++ (the generated code), don't know about 
the IDE Eclipse ... and the funniest, sitting near young engineers clicking 
at full speed on the mysterious icons.... Lost in translation.....usually 
they finished work since 55 minutes when I was trying sadly to remember how 
to roll back one file.

Emacs was and is still powerfull now...long time ago the keyboard sequences 
were long to remember (CTRL-X CTRL-S)...but text editor was useful with 
extending capabiliities (LISP language ,...).

I sticked until now to "vi"...because it's an universal UNIX text editor 
("ed" the line editor is of not handy nowadays) and usually easy to 
remember after you have understood the "editing mode" starting with ESC 
keyboard key and the "command ed line" starting with ":"

The rest of IDE is basic UNIX tools : make, lex, yacc..

OK now my answers :

On Sunday, 18 July 2010 23:51:44 UTC+2, Maarten Derickx wrote:

Which OS does it run on (linux/os x/windows)? 

UNIX or Linux

> Is it open source/free but not open source/paid? 

vi runs on many UNIX or Linux systems
it's always free..because part of the operating system tools...if you pay 
for UNIX or Linux..then sure, you will get it free...with other tools 
i used it on HP-UX, AIX, TrueUnix, Linux (Redhat,Centos,Ubuntu..)...

some people prefer "vim" which has a little more advanced capabilities 
(syntax coloring..)

rest of the "IDE" is usually free too : make, lex, yacc and so on
for compilers, GNU tools are free too : for example  gcc

How easy is it to install? 

yes, no extra pain, no extra install
you usually worry when you have to install compilers or linkers or graphics 
interface tools

> Does it require manual configuration after installation to be suitable 

not necessary, "vi" is so old that usually you only need to know how to set 
three environment variables TERM (type of terminal), LINES (number of 
lines) and COLUMNS (number of columns)...and with some comp...you have only 
to launch an eval resize command to set the last two

> for python/sage developement? (if so what should be changed?) 

since using basic UNIX/Linux tools, setting PATH environment variable is 
needed...python is a script langage.

> What do you like about the IDE? (maybe a small list of key features) 

a small number of features :-)
edit text
when vi crash, you can recover a release of the file (vi -r)

> What do you hate (or don't like) about the IDE? 

some developers like working with the "click here and the click here"  
method in beautiful graphical interface....I am not in that group, more on 
"hit the keyboard ...hit again", using UNIX shell commands

> Thanks in advance, 
> Maarten Derickx

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