I try to work on #19435, which has nothing to do with knot theory. What I got is

[reference] history_and_license: 0 todos, 1 index, 0 citations, 0 modules
[reference] homology: 1 todos, 19 index, 32 citations, 18 modules
[reference] interfaces: 2 todos, 46 index, 2 citations, 45 modules
[reference] knots:
[reference] WARNING: Unable to fetch /home/jm58660/sage/local/share/doc/sage/doctrees/en/reference/knots/environment.pickle
Error building the documentation.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jm58660/sage/local/lib/python/runpy.py", line 162, in _run_module_
 . . .

And then it ends. make doc-clean does not help. Full log is at http://www.sis.uta.fi/~jm58660/dochtml.log

Jori Mäntysalo

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