Ha ha. In misc/superseded.py the function warning just reset all filters each time it is called

def warning(...):
    message += '\n'
message += 'See http://trac.sagemath.org/'+ str(trac_number) + ' for details.'
    # Stack level 3 to get the line number of the code which called
    # the deprecated function which called this function.
    warn(message, warning_class, stacklevel)

As it is used everywhere the filterwarnings just not works. I just removed the "resetwarnings()" line and I was able to get an error with your example.

Was it done on purpose?!


On 08/04/16 13:07, João Pedro Cruz wrote:

I was expecting the following to catch the DeprecationWarning

import warnings

     print (exp(x)*exp(3*x)).simplify_exp()   #example with exp function
except DeprecationWarning:
     print 'MegBook.py say: exercise needs review!'

but it does not. I still got

DeprecationWarning: simplify_exp is deprecated. Please use
canonicalize_radical instead.
See http://trac.sagemath.org/11912 for details.
   print (exp(x)*exp(_sage_const_3 *x)).simplify_exp()   #example with exp

*How can we catch this "type" of* DeprecationWarning  ?

I've checked
but reached no conclusion.

I appreciate help,
Thank you.


The following works easy:
     raise DeprecationWarning
except DeprecationWarning :
     print 'Got it'

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