On Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 12:04:27 AM UTC+1, Kiran Kedlaya wrote:
> On Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 3:36:28 PM UTC-7, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> On Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 10:16:33 PM UTC+1, Kiran Kedlaya wrote:
>>> I just tried the following experiment on several different machines; 
>>> several different recent versions of Sage; algorithm = ple, m4ri; and n = 
>>> 20000, 25000, 30000. In all cases, the result is identical:
>>> sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(2), n)
>>> sage: for i in range(10):
>>> ...:     print M.random_element().rank()
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> 19937
>>> Using the Internet, I also retroactively tested this in Sage 4.0.1. 
>>> (Search in the page for "19937".)
>>> https://wiki.sagemath.org/sagebeatsmagma
>>> By contrast, I just tried a whole bunch of sparse examples coming from 
>>> Cremona modular symbols that gave more plausible answers, e.g.:
>>> sage: S = CremonaModularSymbols(300001, sign=-1)
>>> sage: T = 
>>> hecke_matrix(2).sage_matrix_over_ZZ().change_ring(GF(2)).dense_matrix()
>>> sage: T.dimensions()
>>> (27549, 27549)
>>> sage: T.rank()
>>> 27461
>>> I'm not sure if this rank is correct, but at least it's not 19937.
>> well, this is hardly a surprise:
>> sage: random_matrix?
>> ...
>>    Warning: Matrices generated are not uniformly distributed. For
>>      unimodular matrices over finite field this function does not even
>>      generate all of them: for example "Matrix.random(GF(3), 2)" never
>>      generates "[[2,0],[0,2]]". This function is made for teaching
>>      purposes.
>> Really?
> sage: l = [Matrix.random(GF(3),2) for i in range(10000)]
> sage: len([i for i in l if i == 2])
> 114
> The issue I raised appears to be distinct (see my response to Volker), but 
> maybe there should also be a ticket to correct this docstring.

indeed, you have the codepath pointed out by Volker, not the one I kept in 
mind. Sorry for noise.
Hope http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20493#comment:2 is useful. 

An entertaining bug!


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