On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A number of buildbot machines are now failing tests, probably due to a
> recent git update? In any case, I propose to remove sage.dev. Of course feel

+1 but...

> free to fix the failures if you want to keep it ;-)

Seems like this is maybe caused by some changes in default git
settings.  A problem that has already plagued me before with these

> sage -t --long src/sage/dev/git_interface.py
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 107, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitProxy._run_git
> Failed example:
>     git._run_git('status', (), {})
> Expected:
>     (0,
>      'On branch master\n\nInitial commit\n\nnothing to commit (create/copy
> files and use "git add" to track)\n',
>      '',
>      'git -c user.email=d...@test.test -c user.name=doctest status')
> Got:
>     (0,
>      '# On branch master\n#\n# Initial commit\n#\nnothing to commit
> (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)\n',
>      '',
>      'git -c user.email=d...@test.test -c user.name=doctest status')
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 205, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitProxy._execute
> Failed example:
>     git._execute('status')
> Expected:
>     On branch master
>     Initial commit
>     nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
> Got:
>     # On branch master
>     #
>     # Initial commit
>     #
>     nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 300, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitProxy._read_output
> Failed example:
>     git._read_output('status')
> Expected:
>     'On branch master\n\nInitial commit\n\nnothing to commit (create/copy
> files and use "git add" to track)\n'
> Got:
>     '# On branch master\n#\n# Initial commit\n#\nnothing to commit
> (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)\n'
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 681, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitInterface.?
> Failed example:
>     git.echo.status()
> Expected:
>     On branch master
>     Changes not staged for commit:
>       (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
>       (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
> directory)
>       modified:   tracked
>     Untracked files:
>       (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>       untracked
>       untracked_dir/
>     no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
> Got:
>     # On branch master
>     # Changes not staged for commit:
>     #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
>     #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
> directory)
>     #
>     # modified:   tracked
>     #
>     # Untracked files:
>     #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>     #
>     # untracked
>     # untracked_dir/
>     no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 713, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitInterface.?
> Failed example:
>     git.echo.status()
> Expected:
>     On branch master
>     Untracked files:
>       (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>       untracked
>       untracked_dir/
>     nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to
> track)
> Got:
>     # On branch master
>     # Untracked files:
>     #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>     #
>     # untracked
>     # untracked_dir/
>     nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to
> track)
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 725, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitInterface.?
> Failed example:
>     git.clean_wrapper(remove_untracked_files=True)
> Expected:
>     Removing untracked
> Got:
>     Removing untracked
>     Not removing untracked_dir/
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 730, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitInterface.?
> Failed example:
>     git.clean_wrapper(
>         remove_untracked_files=True, remove_ignored=True)
> Expected:
>     Removing ignored
> Got:
>     Removing ignored
>     Not removing ignored_dir/
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/git_interface.py", line 1170, in
> sage.dev.git_interface.GitInterface.create_wrapper
> Failed example:
>     git.echo.status() # indirect doctest
> Expected:
>     On branch master
>     Initial commit
>     nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
> Got:
>     # On branch master
>     #
>     # Initial commit
>     #
>     nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
> **********************************************************************
> 5 items had failures:
>    4 of  28 in sage.dev.git_interface.GitInterface.?
>    1 of   9 in sage.dev.git_interface.GitInterface.create_wrapper
>    1 of   9 in sage.dev.git_interface.GitProxy._execute
>    1 of  10 in sage.dev.git_interface.GitProxy._read_output
>    1 of  13 in sage.dev.git_interface.GitProxy._run_git
>     [316 tests, 8 failures, 1.82 s]
> sage -t --long src/sage/dev/misc.py
>     [6 tests, 0.00 s]
> sage -t --long src/sage/dev/patch.py
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/patch.py", line 163, in
> sage.dev.patch.MercurialPatchMixin.?
> Failed example:
>     dev.import_patch(local_file=patchfile, path_format="new")
> Expected:
>     Applying: No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     Patch failed at 0001 No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     The copy of the patch that failed is found in:
>        .../rebase-apply/patch
>     The patch does not apply cleanly. Reject files will be created for the
> parts
>     that do not apply if you proceed.
>     Apply it anyway? [yes/No] y
>     The patch did not apply cleanly. Please integrate the `.rej` files that
> were
>     created and resolve conflicts. After you do, type `resolved`. If you
> want to
>     abort this process, type `abort`. [resolved/abort] abort
>     Removing tracked.rej
> Got:
>     Applying: No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     Patch failed at 0001 No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     The patch does not apply cleanly. Reject files will be created for the
> parts that do not apply if you proceed.
>     Apply it anyway? [yes/No] y
>     The patch did not apply cleanly. Please integrate the `.rej` files that
> were created and resolve conflicts. After you do, type `resolved`. If you
> want to abort this process, type `abort`. [resolved/abort] abort
>     Removing tracked.rej
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/patch.py", line 181, in
> sage.dev.patch.MercurialPatchMixin.?
> Failed example:
>     dev.import_patch(local_file=patchfile, path_format="new")
> Expected:
>     Applying: No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     Patch failed at 0001 No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     The copy of the patch that failed is found in:
>        .../rebase-apply/patch
>     The patch does not apply cleanly. Reject files will be created for the
> parts
>     that do not apply if you proceed.
>     Apply it anyway? [yes/No] y
>     The patch did not apply cleanly. Please integrate the `.rej` files that
> were
>     created and resolve conflicts. After you do, type `resolved`. If you
> want to
>     abort this process, type `abort`. [resolved/abort] resolved
>     Removing tracked.rej
> Got:
>     Applying: No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     Patch failed at 0001 No Subject. Modified: tracked, tracked2
>     The patch does not apply cleanly. Reject files will be created for the
> parts that do not apply if you proceed.
>     Apply it anyway? [yes/No] y
>     The patch did not apply cleanly. Please integrate the `.rej` files that
> were created and resolve conflicts. After you do, type `resolved`. If you
> want to abort this process, type `abort`. [resolved/abort] resolved
>     Removing tracked.rej
> **********************************************************************
> 1 item had failures:
>    2 of  34 in sage.dev.patch.MercurialPatchMixin.?
>     [102 tests, 2 failures, 0.70 s]
> sage -t --long src/sage/dev/sagedev.py
> **********************************************************************
> File "src/sage/dev/sagedev.py", line 902, in
> sage.dev.sagedev.SageDev.checkout_branch
> Failed example:
>     dev.git.echo.stash('apply')
> Expected:
>     On branch branch2
>     Changes not staged for commit:
>       (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
>       (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
> directory)
>       modified:   tracked
>     Untracked files:
>       (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>       untracked
>     no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
> Got:
>     # On branch branch2
>     # Changes not staged for commit:
>     #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
>     #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
> directory)
>     #
>     # modified:   tracked
>     #
>     # Untracked files:
>     #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>     #
>     # untracked
>     no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
> **********************************************************************
> 1 item had failures:
>    1 of  42 in sage.dev.sagedev.SageDev.checkout_branch
>     [880 tests, 1 failure, 33.96 s]

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